Monday, April 29, 2013

Even More Tips of the Day from Facebook page

Strength training helps prevent age related muscle wasting, and increases metabolism since muscle tissue burns more calories per hour than fat tissue. Consider adding weight and core strength training routines 1-3 days per week to maintain muscle strength and promote healthy longevity.

Health Benefits: Cook potatoes or other root vegetables, then chill them for about 24 hours before you eat them. The cooling process turns high-glycemic vegetables into low- or moderate-glycemic vegetables, and that transformation helps keep your blood sugar levels more stable. Even if you reheat the veggies, this trick works. As a bonus, cooking with extra-virgin olive oil helps keep the veggies from slowing down your metabolism.

Make double batches of your favorite meals and freeze the 2nd batch.

Watch that phantom energy.
Unplug appliances that you aren't using. When possible plug them into a strip and turn the entire strip off.

Use your dishwasher and clothes washer for only full loads

I have done this before and need to get back in the practice. Some of my add ins were pecans and for Mondays I like to throw in a few chocolate chips to make Monday morning easier.
How to make your own instant flavored oatmeal packets!
Switch to cash instead of debit or credit cards and you will notice your impulse buying will go down.
Place a peeled sliced potato in your pot if you have used to much salt or to much spice. Remove potato before serving.
Use conditioner or baby oil to shave your legs. Not only is it cheaper, but it is more moisturizing, so your legs wont be all dry and itchy after you finish shaving.
Most headaches are actually from being dehydrated. So drink your water.   
In a pinch when hanging wallpaper if the sides or ends start to curl or peel back make a paste with baking soda and water. It will act like a glue.
Add a teaspoon of vinegar to a boiling pot of pasta and it won't boil over.
You won't taste the vinegar once cooked.
Use Dawn when cleaning your kitchen, back-splash or vent a hood or anything with grease. It really makes the job a lot easier.
Clear nail polish will help with chigger bites.

Apply nail polish to a pantyhose run to stop the run.
For bee stings - meat tenderizer or chewing tobacco.
Check out your local library not only for books but magazines and movies.
I live in a small town so I pay $25 a year so I can use the bigger city's library.
Get over any ideas you have about thrift stores or Goodwill. You can get some amazing bargains sometimes you have to really search thru racks but often it is worth it.
During the winter after using your oven leave the door cracked and let the heat escape into your kitchen. During the summer use your crock pot or outside grill as often as possible so not to heat up your house.  
Use vinegar instead of Jet Dry, Fabric Softener and Windex. Hubby also uses it to clean his car windows with newspapers. You can pour a cup of vinegar in your toilet let sit overnight and barely scrub and it comes out very clean.
Some utility companies offer a break of you use your appliances at off peak times. Call yours to see if it would be worth washing your clothes at night and running the dishwasher.
Recycle plastic bags for taking lunches, small trash bags, and kitty litter.
Keep some in your trunk if you shop at stores that offer a discount for having your own bags.
I also put them on my hands like gloves for poop duty in the yard.
Have an adjustable thermostat and set it lower when you are away or sleeping.
Keep tires properly filled to help on gas mileage.
Pay bills online to save on stamps
Start an Excel spreadsheet for the bills.
If one doesn't come in you still know when it's due so it won't be late.
“Bad things happen to you to make you realize your true potential, strength, will power & heart. Have faith & stay strong”     

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