Friday, March 8, 2013

I'm cold. Do some jumping jacks.

The other night my husband had the nerve to tell me he was cold as I was walking thru the living room.

Why do I say it like this?
I was walking thru to change from my sweatshirt into a short sleeve shirt as I was hot because I had been up cooking. My husband was sitting on the couch looking at his laptop wearing short sleeves and no shoes.

My husband is more cold natured than I am. So we are rarely comfortable at the same time.
We have a sheet up blocking the hallway that leads to the 2 bedrooms and bathroom we do not use. We also have those rooms closed off. A couple of years ago I also had sheets or blankets covering most of the windows and the dining room/kitchen area. Since this was a mild winter I never did that plus we have gotten the solar panel curtains and they are thicker to block the draft.

The programmable thermostat is in the hall and I keep it at 61 in the winter. I only want it to cut on when we are away or maybe asleep. We mainly use space heaters.

I just don't like the idea of heating the entire house for one person. Even when we used the house furnance he was never warm enough. The man can sit in front of the fireplace logs and never get hot. A few times he had it in the 90's while I was in shorts and short sleeves.
So I finally had enough plus with living on one income now we umm he had to make some changes.
We placed a space heater he keeps at his feet. I also keep a blanket on the couch for him. But most of all I preach to him to wear layers and shoes. Usually he complains about being cold when I am up either in the kitchen or doing something and he is sitting on his butt. I am not adjusting the thermostat for that. If he is wearing layers I tell him to do jumping jacks to warm up. :)

Do you feel sorry for him yet?
DON'T. I am the one hot in the summer. As the same argument goes I don't want to cool the house for one person.

When his Grandmother lived here I gave in since it was two to one. (At least she had a sweater near her all the time.) We didn't want to confuse her with the sheet over the hallway or use space heaters as a main source of heat.

By the way the other night when he mentioned he was cold I told him to put on a sweatshirt. Several hours later since he was still in a t-shirt I asked if he was still cold. He answered yes. I said why didn't you get up and put on a long sleeve shirt. His answer "That would be to much like right."

Yea, I am not adjusting the temp anytime soon smart butt.

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